While ovarian cancer is only the ninth most common cancer in women, it is the leading cause of death for cancers of the female reproductive system.

The ovaries are responsible for releasing eggs during ovulation and producing female hormones. Over time, cancerous cells can develop on ovarian tissue.

The four female OBGYNs at Associated Women’s Healthcare are all board-certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and are all members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They have extensive experience conducting safe and accurate ovarian cancer testing. They will walk you through the diagnosis and help you feel at ease. Contact Associated Women’s Healthcare today to schedule an appointment in Plano, TX by calling 972.612.8829.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Women with ovarian cancer may only have mild symptoms until the cancer is in an advanced stage. Women should contact their gynecologist at the first sign of any of the following:

  • Vaginal Bleeding or abnormal discharge
  • Pelvic / abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Frequent urination or diarrhea

Important Ovarian Cancer Statistics

Statistics can tell a lot about the danger certain cancers can pose. Ovarian cancer, while fairly rare, has the potential to be deadly.


  • Approximately 22,280 women in the US will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year.
  • An estimated 14,420 deaths occur in the US from ovarian cancer each year.


  • Women under 65 with ovarian cancer: 58 percent
  • Women over 65 with ovarian cancer: 28 percent
  • If the cancer has not spread: 73 percent
  • If the cancer has spread to a distant part of the body: 28 percent

These statistics show that it is vital for women to catch this form of cancer in its early stages.

What is the Best Way to Detect Ovarian Cancer Early?

The most effective way to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages is through a yearly women’s health exam. These annual visits provide women an opportunity to discuss any symptoms they feel which could necessitate further investigation. In addition, a gynecologist will perform a pelvic exam to feel the ovaries and to detect any possible abnormalities. It should be noted, however, that early-stage ovarian cancer may be difficult for the physician to feel.

If a patient is exhibiting warning signs of ovarian cancer, the following tests may be performed:

Transvaginal Sonography: an ultrasound that is performed with a small instrument that is inserted into the vagina. This will allow the physician to identify any abnormal growths on or around the ovaries.

CA-125 Test: a blood test that measures the levels of CA-125, a protein that is produced by cancerous ovarian cells. This test is not always the most accurate indicator of ovarian cancer because other conditions could cause elevated CA-125 levels.

Schedule an Appointment in Plano, TX

Contact women-led Associated Women’s Healthcare to schedule an appointment and address all of your questions and concerns surrounding ovarian cancer. Patients may call our office in Plano, TX, at (972) 612-8829 to schedule an appointment with one of our four female gynecologists!