All four of our physicians trained at premiere hospitals and have delivered thousands of babies in their careers. All of this knowledge and experience means you are in the safest hands possible during your care. We pride ourselves on providing high level care that is also caring and compassionate. If you had a positive pregnancy test at home or think you may be pregnant, give our office a call today at 972.612.8829 to get your initial visit scheduled!
The First Pre-Natal Visit
Your first pre-natal visit will happen around 8 weeks of pregnancy. If you have a history of miscarriage or early pregnancy complications in the past let us know and we will determine if an earlier visit may be necessary in your case.
At this first visit we will discuss pre-natal care in detail and provide you many resources to use for questions during your pregnancy. Bring a list of any questions you may have for us to review.
We will review your prior medical, family and pregnancy history and discuss any high risk factors you may have.
We also discuss genetic testing with you and provide options
You may have an ultrasound and/or blood work performed for specific pregnancy testing. From the ultrasound we will determine your due date so you can plan for your baby’s arrival!
Visit Schedule
The first pre-natal visit is typically the longest as we cover a lot of information about the entire pregnancy journey. Each visit after that includes checking your weight and blood pressure, measuring your abdomen for good fetal growth and listening to your baby’s heartbeat. At specific labs you will have lab work performed in our office as well for pregnancy monitoring.
In routine pre-natal care visits happen at the following intervals:
Beginning of pregnancy until 28 weeks: Office visit every 4 weeks
28 weeks until 36 weeks: Office visit every 2 weeks
36 weeks until delivery: Office visits every 1 week
If your pregnancy is high risk or there are conditions we are monitoring more closely you may come to the office more frequently. Our team expertly determines the appropriate care for you each pregnancy.
We have skilled sonographers in our office who specialize in OB/GYN sonography and imaging. They are an essential part of your care team during pregnancy to provide us with high quality images of your baby. You will have an ultrasound at one of your first prenatal visits to see your baby’s heartbeat and establish a due date for the pregnancy. You will have another ultrasound in the middle of pregnancy around 20 weeks to look at your baby’s full anatomy from head to toe and determine the gender if you would like to know. You may have another ultrasound in the third trimester depending on your individualized pre-natal care.
When it comes time for your baby’s birthday we perform all deliveries at Medical City Plano. We are proud to deliver at this hospital which provides excellent care to moms and babies including:
- Level IV NICU: providing the highest level of care available to premature babies of all gestational ages
- Level IV Maternity Care: a state of Texas designation for hospitals providing the most comprehensive care for all pregnancies ranging from routine to the highest-risk cases. There are only 32 hospitals with this designation in the entire state of Texas!
- Highly trained and awarded nursing care
- Women’s Education department and prenatal classes
- Lactation specialists
- Collin Country designation as Best Place to Have a Baby as voted by patients
Each pregnancy is unique and we focus on determining individual care plans for each patient to achieve the goal of a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby. We can’t wait to meet you and your family and go on this beautiful journey together! If you are pregnant please give our office a call at 972.612.8829 to schedule your first prenatal visit with us.